Monday, February 14, 2011

Two Dash Fourteen

Dinner with friends on Valentine's Day, Single's Awareness Day, just another 2/14, whatever you want to call it, is definitely the best route to take.  No attempts to hold hands, or to stare into one another's eyes. No awkward silences, just Kung Pao Chicken, Smoked Tea Duck with Chinese Buns, Hunan Beef, Braised Eggplant with Garlic Sauce, and Sweet and Sour Pork. Then Icii's ice cream. My flavor of choice: Ginger Caramel Swirl Pecan. Delicious. Who needs men when you can have friends and food?
This has love written all over it.
Valentines Day is.... frustrating. I'm not bothered by the fact that I'm single. I've been single on Valentine's Day for the past twenty years. Really, what bothers me is that the stupid holiday is so contrived. Card, flower, and chocolate companies exploit relationships and infatuation.  Of course, this is the girl who freaked out when a guy gave her a flower, or who can never seem to be satisfied with any normal man, but come on. I guess maybe this is the romantic side of me spilling out, but why can't people act like that everyday? Why do couples need a holiday to profess their love for one another? Can't they go out to dinner and enjoy each other's company and exchange gifts every other day of the year?
Couples, in general, are... ugh. There are two girls I know, for example, who talk about their boyfriends constantly, then consider cheating on them or breaking up with them in order to "broaden their horizons," romantically speaking. They go on and on about how they can't wait for their boyfriend to call them, then they talk to another guy on the phone for two hours. Then when the poor lover calls, they hang up on him or hit "ignore." What is that? Are they just doing this to flaunt the fact that they're in a relationship? Or is this how it should be? I disagree, there's something wrong. Granted, I know some amazing couples as well, the if-they-break-up-the-world-will-end sort of couples.
My view is that if you are planning on investing time and emotional energy into someone, then they had better be the right person. No dating around for the hell of it. Make sure it means something.
I want to be absolutely sure that the decision I've made is right. Any guy who manages to hold my interest for more than two weeks deserves an award. I'm not bitter, I'm only annoyed.

Here's how the research lab email extravaganza finished off:

Dear Michael,
I'm sorry to hear that, but I completely understand. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your time and for the interview. I loved hearing about the research- it definitely reaffirmed my interest in and love for immunology! I will work on gaining more experience and skills, and I will keep an eye out for future research in the Riley Lab.
Sarah Knight
Great - I'm glad you found it interesting. Regarding future research,
we'll be here (or down in the Li Ka Shing building, when it's done!). Do
check back because we will probably need more help as the project evolves
and potentially expands.

All the best,

The future is looking better, I just need some damn experience.

On an even better note, ochem lab went well today. I managed to obtain a large crop of crystals and didn't spray anything across the lab bench. I stabbed myself with a clean capillary, and the pain and the mark were inconsequential. The reaction I performed today ended in a red solution, so I was a little V-Day spirited. Although the students at the stations surrounding me agreed the solution looked like blood, I said it looked like strawberry syrup in an attempt to remain optimistic.
Science, I love you again and our relationship can continue.

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